Friday, April 13, 2012

Welcome to my blog!!

Hi, everyone my name is Yao.  This is a photo blog of mine. I am new to blogging and this is my first post. English isn't my first language so please don't laugh at my writing.  I live in Boston, Massachusetts.  I love photography and that's why i started this blog the share everything i know and to learn from you. In this blog i will post some of my photos from the past and present, and i will also post status of my current project (project Boston)that i am currently working on. Project Boston is a short film that i have been working on for about two months from now.  If you are still reading this post you might think "why are you talking about a film project in a photography blog?" Let me explain. This film will be made of a series of timelapse (timelapse is a series of pictures that composed into a video sequence) video. So it is like a photo video, but it will play in a rate of 24 frames per second.  I want to give you a better idea of what it really is i have included a link of my timelapse video on my facebook photography page below here.  You may like my facebook photography page also.